Chahatt Khanna angry over the statements of Karan and Nisha, said' The things at home are not publicly...'

Popular TV duo Karan Mehra and Nisha Rawal have made many shocking revelation. Once upon a time, the two couples used to score goals and today they are seen blaming each other. These days Karan and Nisha are making their point before the public and the media and misquoting each other. Just yesterday, Nisha accused Karan of having an affair with another woman and domestic violence. As soon as the two disclosed their dispute, everyone was stunned.

Now tv actress Chahatt Khanna is also surprised to see the tangled relationship between the two. She has made a statement in this regard. In his statement, she said, "Seeing both of them reminded me of my bad times. Both of them should not have spoken to such public and media. I don't support it". In addition, she said, "I am once again shocked to see Karan-Nisha's relationship. After seeing them, I remembered my past Ajit. I was hiding. It had upset me a lot". Further Chahatt Khanna did not like the two publicly speaking for each other.

She further added, "I personally think that you should not speak publicly about the things at home," That is not correct. I never support it. It doesn't make sense that they should not come before the media or talk about anything. Even though I have no right to say that, it is not right to come to the public and talk about my affairs". Let us tell you that Chahatt Khanna married Bharat Narasimhani in December 2006 but later the two parted ways and Chahatt had alleged that Bharat used to assault her. Chahatt then married Farhan Mirza in February 2013, both of also have two daughters. But Chahatt's second marriage also broken.

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