Health Benefits Of Adding Manuka Honey to your regime

Manuka honey is a natural medicine for all kinds of wounds. It's considered a great ointment and a powerful germ fighter also. This honey is more influential than normal honey as it has a higher concentration of methylglyoxal. Also, it's rich in antibacterial properties and a superfood.

Manuka isn't raw honey but a specialized one. It's antibacterial and bacterial resistant which means that bacteria shouldn't be able to build up a tolerance to its antibacterial effects. Manuka honey has numerous health benefits for us. Manuka honey is obtained from the Manuka scrub plant in New Zealand where honey bees introduced the product to that place during the 19th century. 

Benefits of manuka honey:

1. It can heal wounds effectively. Honey is acidic and can work efficiently to heal wounds. It’s low in moisture and takes out the fluid from the wound thus speeding up the healing process. 

2. It has antiviral properties that can fight and kill all kinds of germs with a substance called MGO. 

3. It can attack several types of bacteria and kill them. It’s also effective for bacteria that create biofilm as when a bacteria forms biofilm it’s considered to be untreatable. 

4. Manuka honey is highly beneficial in reducing inflammation and irritation caused by acne on the skin. 

5. It has the ability to improve your digestion process and enhances immunity. Hence, you should consume 1 or 2 tbsp of manuka honey regularly. 

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