Add vegetable soup in your diet in rainy season

Take care of health in this weather becomes very important. Today, we are going to tell you about some such drinks which can save you from diseases in the rainy season.

1- The use of cinnamon is very beneficial for our health. To use it, keep a piece of cinnamon soaked in water before sleeping at night. And in the morning, drink this water. By drinking this water, you get rid of all stomach problems.

2- There are plenty of anti-bacterial properties in basil leaves. Apart from this, there are many more such elements in it. It helps in protecting our body from diseases in the rainy season. In this season, instead of drinking plain water, boil the basil leaves in the water and drink it. By doing so our immune system gets strong.

3- Must include vegetables soup in your diet this season. Always keep in mind that the use of garlic and black pepper in the soup must be done. Many kinds of problems will be avoided by the use of these things.

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