This Marathi star advises fans to avoid coronavirus

The fear of coronavirus is present all over India. From the TV industry, Bollywood, Punjabi, Marathi, it is awe in all industries and all the celebs are advising fans to avoid it. Adinath Kothare has also recently talked about COVID-19 threats on his Instagram.

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He has posted on his Instagram and has written "It’s as if the whole has come together to fight one common enemy, the virus. Which proves again how fragile and vulnerable our existence is. This proves that to survive and sustain our existence we will eventually have to come together'' He has appealed to everyone to protect themselves. Not only this, he also prayed to be together to deal with this situation. He advised not to leave their homes.

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Presently, citizens are on self-quarantine and advised not to leave their homes unless necessary. Offices, schools, and public places are minimally functional, etc. Self-hygiene is extremely essential and special care needs to be taken against the spread of COVID-19. People should refrain from misguiding forwards and texts and continue to spread awareness based on reliable information. 

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