Aerobic Exercises To Boost Testosterone Levels For Overweight Men!

The testosterone levels in men decrease with the increase in the age of men. This causes different changes in men such as weight gain, loss of bone density, depression and reduced sex drive.

Research however shows that men who are overweight can boost their testosterone levels by a 12 week aerobic exercise program.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced by the testicles, it is responsible for the sperm production, sex drive and fat distribution, bone density, muscle size and strength.

According to the study by Hiroshi Kumagai of Tsukuba University in Japan, men's testosterone levels decrease from the age of 30 to 40 and obesity was the biggest risk factor among them.

The new study showed that the testosterone levels in men increased with regular aerobic exercise in obese men.

The study involved 44 men of whom 28 were overweight and 16 were normal weight. None of them engaged in regular exercise. All of them were required to involve themselves in an aerobic exercise program that involved 40-60 minutes of walking and jogging for 3 days a week for 12 weeks.

The testosterone levels were measured before and after. It showed that there was not much of an impact on the normal weight men, but an increase in men that were overweight.

Kumagi notes that, "The degree of weight loss is small and we found that the increase in vigorous physical activity was independently associated with the increase in testosterone levels."

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