'Putting a knife in the eye, made blind for life,' Afghani woman Khatera

New Delhi: The old wounds of many people have been refreshed after the Taliban the terror group captured in Afghanistan. A name afghani Mahila Khatera has also been added to the same list. Khatera, an Afghan woman currently living in Delhi, says they feed the Taliban woman's body to dogs. Speaking to a media channel, Khatera said, "In the eyes of the Taliban, women are not living like a person, nor are they breathing like humans. For them, women are only a piece of meat that should always be beaten.'' The 33-year-old Khatera was stabbed in the eye by Taliban militants last year and blinded forever. Her only fault was that she used to leave home and go to work.

The Taliban did not like their self-reliance and one day attacked her on his way home from her office. The entire incident took place in Ghazni province of Afghanistan. Khatera had started working as an officer in the crime branch a few days before the incident. One day she was returning home after completing work from the police station when the Taliban caught her and opened fire on her. She was then stabbed in the eye. Khatera was in the hospital when she regained consciousness. When she regained consciousness, she asked the doctors why she could not see. Doctors replied that she could not see as she had a bandage due to eye injuries. However, Khatera had determined that his eyes had been removed.

Khatera had blamed Taliban militants as well as his father for the brutality she had suffered. She said it was his father who gave the Taliban a copy of his ID card to prove that she worked in the police. Khatera's father was constantly calling her on the day of the attack and was tracking his location. Ghazni police had also admitted that Taliban militants were behind the attack. They also detained Khatera's father. Although the Taliban spokesman said his organization was aware of the whole matter, they had no hand in it as it was a family matter.

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