Alewa- the proud Village of Boxing

Boxing has a long history in India where it not only provided legends who competed for the reputation of the nation from the world championships to the Olympics grand achievements, but they also helped out India to take the reputation to a next step by promoting the game to rural and urban level. Today a village in Haryana is another inspiration where it welcomes boxers to compete and help them out to become better in the game.

The village of Alewa is one of those inspirational places where Boxers can really feel that  the place can totally commit to the spirit of the sports if they are given a virtual advantage to practice perform and implement any sports. The welcome of the people for around 400 boxers recently was a witnessing point where they not only enjoyed the game of Boxing amongst those certain boxers but they too seemed pretty aware of the situations and tactics of the game which seem phenomenal on the situations presented in the village indeed.

As far the facts are concerned, the railway transport is not available yet in this village as well as the general services are yet to prevail, but the spirit of Boxing has already taken shape in the form of spirit and awareness of the game amongst the people in Alewa. It is also a fact that this 22,000 population count small village has a virtual unique status by the appreciation and actual status for those who wish to generate certain virtual status  as the ambassadors of the game of Boxing. It has always been taken as a word that Haryana is a popular state for Boxing where many legends were born and made India pride by their boxing skills. Apart from that it has seen also brought into the light now that Alewa would be provided certain predatory services  and transport network by the state administration to encourage boxing amongst its own citizens which would surely boost its economic and cultural status as a virtual platform.

All in all, Alewa represents a unique fixture in the context of awareness of Boxing which is a phenomenal witnessing point as a grassroots  village level and we hope that it continue to ignite with new youth fire in future. Till now, we only hope that spirit of Boxing  continue here and they continue to cheer and welcome the players from across India as they continue to visit this phenomenal village in Haryana...

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