All you need to know about Migraine

A migraine is a type of a headache. This causes a lot of pain from the back head to the neck. There are many reasons for this- Stress and discomfort, excitement, the highlight from the sun, sharp sounds, perfumes, stigma, obstruction in sleep patterns, such as sleeping or excessive sleep, change in weather, natural or hormonal changes, This problem occurs when the level of estrogen hormone is low.

Home remedies to avoid this - Drink green leafy vegetable soup. Ginger is very beneficial in a migraine. Grinding cinnamon and apply its coating on the head also gives a lot of relief. The cinnamon powder gives relief by eating four times a day with cold water. If you have a headache, keep a pinch of salt on the tip of the tongue and drink water after half a minute and the headache will disappear.

Avoiding - Do not get out of the house in the sun or in the cold. Do not put too much emphasis on the eyes. Do not eat pickles and packed foods.


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