Amarnath yatra starts again from on-foot routes


Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], June 30 (NT): Amarnath Yatra has started again from both the on-foot routes of Baltal and Pahalgam, after the weather got better.

Worth mention here the yatra was stalled on the routes earlier today, due to nonstop rainfall and bad weather.

Air sorties by the management have also commenced from Baltal.

 Worth mention here The Baltal route which is coming from Srinagar, is of 14 kilometres, while the route from Pahalgam, which is coming from Jammu, is of about 32 kilometres.

It is noted that the fourth batch of the Amarnath pilgrims has arrived the Jammu base camp. They also have been prohibited from moving further due to the rainfall in the region.

Yesterday Jammu and Kashmir Governor NN Vohra held an emergency meeting at his home to talk about the flood-like situation arising in the state.

Heavy rains and stormy weather has led to the rivers rising above the danger mark.

The first batch of Amarnath pilgrims on Thursday was halted at Baltal because of heavy rainfall. However, they started again the Yatra a few hours after the water cleared out.

Following the weather conditions, the Directorate of Health Service Kashmir (DHSK) has issued guidelines and helpline number. (NT)




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