Amazing facts about your brain !!!

The human brain has amazed and baffled people throughout the ages. Some scientists and doctors have devoted their entire lives to learning how the brain works. It is no wonder that people enjoy learning facts about this incredible organ in the human body.

Here are some amazing facts that are sure to amaze you.

Humans have the largest brain in terms of size ratio when compared to other creatures in the world. The typical brain is about 2% of a body’s weight but uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen intake. When you are awake, the brain is said to produce enough electricity There is no sense of pain within the brain itself. This allows neurosurgeons to probe areas of the brain while the patient is awake. You have approximately 70,000 thoughts per day, although many will be the same ones looping round and round. Teen brains are not fully formed. It isn’t until about the age of 25 that the human brain reaches full maturity. Yawning is the body’s way of cooling down an overheated brain. In addition, when your brain does not receive the appropriate amount of oxygen, the yawn is said to provide the remaining amount of oxygen to the brain. There are two types of tissues in a human brain that is white matter (60%) and grey matter (40%). Transmission of signals is carried out by both these matters. The grey matter consists of neurons that play a major role in transmission of signals. The human brain is not as perfect as it is thought of since in many instances it has been found to fool human beings making them to perceive things differently from the reality.

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