Amazing Facts: Crazy Facts about women

As humans, women are different than men. Women are amazing creatures. They are beautiful, incredible, and powerful in their own right. They can achieve anything they set their minds to. Having to deal with oppression and inequality for centuries, there have been a ton of things women have had to fight for and change the future for succeeding generations of equally amazing women. Women are truly nature's wonders. From raising children to shattering glass ceilings, they do it all, and in heels to boot. Most surprisingly, there's so much about the female population that we don't know yet. In the run up to the very day celebrating women over the world, here are some facts about women that are likely to blow your mind.

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The word “vagina” was first used on film in Walt Disney’s production “The Story of Menstruation.” This 1946 film explains menstruation and gives tips on how to help women stop feeling sorry for themselves. In 16th century France, women could charge their husbands with impotence as a reason for divorce. The convicted husbands would have to prove themselves in a public trial through successfully ejaculating. The two highest IQ scores in recorded history belong to women. According to research from Psychology Today, mental connections are optimised quicker in girls than boys during the childhood and adolescent years. This is why, women are found to mature quicker in thought processing and emotional areas than men. Caligynephobia, also known as Venustraphobia or gynephobia, is the irrational fear of beautiful women. Yes, really. A 1770 bill proposed in the British Parliament suggested that any woman wearing make-up should be punished for witchcraft. It is estimated that 6–10% of incarcerated women are pregnant, with as many as 1,400 births in prisons annually in the United States. Women earn more than 60% of all college degrees in the United States. In the times of ancient Greece, women used to lighten the colour of their hair using plant extracts or even worse, arsenic. Every 90 seconds across the world, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth. Some women are born with two uteruses, a rare condition called uterus didelphys. Sometimes women with this condition also have two vaginas. Although male brains are 9% larger than female brains, both have the same amount of brain cells. The brain cells in women merely pack together more densely. Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper in 1903. In addition, women over the years have patented non-reflective glass, disposable diapers, white out, and industrial lathes, among many other innovations. Seventy-one percent of mothers in the United States with kids under 18-years-old work outside of the home. Approximately 40 years ago, less than 47% of mothers worked. On average, in the United States, full-time working women earn 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. Although women were not allowed to even watch the first Olympic Games, the “Games of Hera” were held every four years for women to compete in foot racing events. Women first began to wear heels in order to imitate men, who started donning high heels in the 1600s as a sign of their masculinity and status.

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