Amazing Facts: Interesting Facts about Google

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, and was formally incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. You know there's more to something than meets the eye when such a massively successful company has such a simple layout though, and I mean that in the best way possible. Google has always done things a little bit differently, and that works to keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive.

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Here are some Google facts you may not know!

1. Google is internet’s most visited website according to Alexa.

2. Over 1 billion search requests per day are handled by Google. It is done by using over 1 million computers.

3. Google became the world’s largest search engine in June 2000.

4. Currently Google can analyze around millions of pages a second, whereas it is 30-40 pages at initial days.

5. ”Google” is added as a verb in the Oxford English Dictionary in June 2006.

6. Google surpassed one billion unique visitors in May 2011.

7. US$50 billion is the annual revenue for Google in the year 2012. Google announced it on January 2013.

8. Google operates 70 offices in more than 40 countries.

9. In early 1999, Google founders decided to sell it for US$1 million to Excite CEO but they refused it.

10. Initial public offering of Google took place on August 19, 2004.

11. Keyhoke, Inc. is the company which developed a product called Earth viewer which gave a 3-D view of the Earth. Google acquired it and renamed it as Google Earth on 2005.

12.99% of Google profit comes from its advertising.

13. Did you know that Google has the ability to analyze and track a persons online behavior and Google inform its advertisers the sites they visited and the ads they clicked.

14. Google acquired more than one company on average since 2010.

15. Google has acquired around 127 companies in 12 years.

16.56% of the internet users Google about themselves.

17. Google is used by 57%  american kids as their first word.

18. Recently some core Google services went down for 5 minutes which lead to a drop of 40% of worldwide internet traffic.

18.”Don’t be evil” is the unofficial slogan of Google.

19.95116 years, this is the time it will take for you to do a manual search 50 billion web pages of Google, at one minute a page.

20.88 languages can be used in Google home page.

21.Google Processes around 20 petabytes of information daily.

22. Google rents goats, this isn’t a joke!. Google rents them to cut the amount of weed.

23. Google’s first tweet was in binary format which means “i’m feeling lucky”.

24. Brin and page considered calling Google as “What Box”. But they dropped the idea as it sounds like “wet box”, which sounded like some kind of porn.

25. Google pays Mozilla Millions of dollars a year as Firefox web browser uses Google as the default search provider.

26. Google site traffic is doubled, when Google introduced its “Did you mean?”.

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