Amazing Facts: Interesting Frog Facts

With over 6000 species throughout the world, frogs are the most plentiful type of amphibians on our planet. Frogs are cold-blooded animals with peculiar characteristics of both fish and reptiles, such as having gilled, aquatic larvae and air-breathing adults.

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A frog is an amphibian. There are over 5000 frog species found in the world. Frogs breathe through their nostrils. Some frogs can jump over 20 times of their own body height. Frogs do not need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin. The frog’s colorful skin acts as a caution to predators that these frogs may be poisonous. The study of frogs is called Herpetologists. An ear of the frog is called tympanum and it is located just behind the eye. Frogs sleep with their open eyes. Each frog species has a distinct croak. Frogs swallow their food using their eyes. There is a frog in Indonesia that has no lungs. A group of toads is called a ‘knot’. The world’s biggest frog is the Goliath frog. There is another type of poison dart frog called the blue-jeans frog. A group of frogs is called an ‘army’. The Ornate Horned is the most aggressive frog. Frogs cannot live in the sea or any salt water. Frogs have a sticky tongue and use its muscular tongue to catch and swallow food. Frogs hibernate in the winter time. The golden dart frog’s skin could kill up to 1,000 people. Frog legs are eaten by humans in many parts of the world. In warmer water, the eggs of frogs grow faster. There are two frogs in the world that have tails, the coastal tailed frog and the mountain tailed frog. Every type of frog makes its own special sound.

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