Amazing facts: Mind-Blowing Scientific Facts About Black Holes

Imagine matter packed so densely that nothing can escape. Not a moon, not a planet and not even light. That’s what black holes are — a spot where gravity’s pull is huge, ending up being dangerous for anything that accidentally strays by. But how did black holes come to be, and why are they important? Below we have 10 facts about black holes — just a few tidbits about these fascinating objects.

The force of gravity is so high in Black Holes that it leads to gravitational time dilation. This is a phenomenon where time slows down because of gravitational pull. Interesting fact is that time dilation can also occur when velocity increases. This is known as velocity time dilation and is generally experienced by astronauts. We will cover this in some other list. Coming back to Black Holes, time completely stops at the center of Black Holes. Black Holes are literally the densest objects to live in universe (at least that’s what is known to humans). So, how dense can a Black Hole get? Imagine what kind of density you will get if you try to squeeze in the entire mass of Earth in a small (we mean miniscule) sphere with a DIAMETER of 9 millimeters! That’s the type of density we are talking about.

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Black Holes have something known as event horizon! There is some heavy scientific explanation behind this but let us put it in simple words. Event horizon refers to a ‘point of no return’. Every Black Hole has a boundary. Any object outside that boundary is perfectly safe. But if, an object crosses the event horizon, it will have no other option but to fall into the Black Hole. Once sucked in, that object can never reappear. Black Holes can keep growing because anything (gas, liquid or solid matter) that enters the event horizon gets sucked in. Thus, Black Holes can grow infinitely large and they are known as supermassive Black Holes. Stephen Hawking theorized that even Black Holes emit something and that they emit radiation. This radiation is emitted by the mass of the Black Holes. According to Hawking, Black Holes keep losing their mass in form of radiations and eventually they evaporate!  The event horizon is just the beginning of the Black Hole. It is not the core of the Black Hole. The core of the Black Hole is called Singularity. This point of Singularity is the ultimate destruction point. Absolutely nothing can survive at that point. Black Holes eventually shrink down to the size smaller than the size of an electron (a sub-atomic particle). At this stage it reaches a size what is known as Planck Length. This length is actually the quantum size limit. Theoretically nothing can become smaller than this and there is actually no instrument available that can measure Planck Length. The value of Planck Length is 1.61619926 x 10-35 meters.  If something travels faster than light, it can actually escape Black Hole. Unfortunately, there is no such thing known to mankind. Stars spin and they continue doing so even after their death. This means they keep spinning even when they become Black Holes and these Black Holes in turn keep spinning faster and faster as they keep evaporating and eventually shrink to Planck Length. Even when they achieve the Planck Length, they keep spinning. Along with this spin and their gravitational force, they distort everything around them (actually within their event horizon). Closer to a Black Hole, things simply get distorted. The immense gravitational pull of the Black Holes have the ability to distort even space. This distortion gets profound because Black Holes spin rapidly. This distortion is nothing but an infinite regression of distortions. At the point of Singularity, laws of Physics don’t exist because it is literally not possible to conceive anything that will have infinite density but zero volume. There are some scientific equations which end up suggesting that every Black Hole contains one universe. If that is true (this hasn’t been proven yet), everything we know about Black Holes will change. AND, if that is true, we are right now living inside a Black Hole. ‘We’ here refers to the entire universe that keeps eluding us! Size and mass of a Black Hole are directly proportional. The size of a Black Hole is not really measurable. But there is an alternate way of measuring that. It is known as Schwarzschild Radius. This is the radius of the event horizon of a Black Hole. The bigger the radius, the bigger is the Black Hole. The bigger the Black Hole, the denser it is. Which means that the point of Singularity of a bigger Black Hole has more mass than a Black Hole that is comparatively smaller (that is one with smaller Schwarzschild Radius) The Black Hole that is closest to our Earth is 16 quadrillion kilometers away from our planet. This is actually 1,600 light years (one light year is the distance traveled by light in one year). It is very likely that supermassive Black Holes exist at the center of almost every galaxy. Now that galaxies have a nasty habit of colliding with each other occasionally, even Black Holes do the same! When two Black Holes bump into one another, one of these two gets kicked out of its galaxy. The Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way has, according to the scientists, came to life after a star exploded 2 million years ago! That event is termed as Seyfret Flare. The radiation from the Seyfret Flare 2 million years ago was a 100 million times more powerful than the remaining radiation we experience today. Scientists say that so big was the explosion that it was actually visible from Earth!

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