Amazing Ways To Use Onions For Hair Growth?

Are you worried about a receding hairline or bald patches? Do you feel your hair is becoming thinner or grayer? When people notice their hair is changing, this can be a blow to their confidence.

Our hair is often a part of our identity, so we might go to great lengths to preserve it. This natural home remedy might not sound that appealing, but it has been a successful treatment for hair loss for decades.

Onion and onion juice can help you re-grow your hair. Read on to find out how and why it works. How Onion Helps in Hair Growth? Onion is rich in sulphur.

This mineral is one of the main building blocks of hair. It improves blood circulation and provides the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion also has anti-bacterial properties, so it helps with scalp infections that might contribute to hair loss.

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