Amazon came, brought a lot of rewards, know how

A new edition of Daily App Quiz has started on the e-commerce platform AMAZON. Online shopping platform Amazon is offering a great opportunity to win Rs.30,000 on Amazon Pay balance in its Quiz today. This quiz is available on Amazon's mobile app. Let us tell that this daily quiz is started every day at 8 am and continues till 12 pm. The quiz consists of 5 questions from General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs.

It is mandatory for you to answer all the questions asked in the quiz correctly to win such tons of prizes. Four options are given in each question asked in the middle of the quiz.   How to Play Quiz?:- If you don't have Amazon App in your phone then first you have to download it to play Quiz.   After downloading and installing you have to sign in.   After that open the app and scroll down the home screen. Where at the bottom you will find the banner of 'Amazon Quiz'.   Here we are telling you five questions of today's quiz as well as their answers. So go play and win 30,000 Amazon Pay Balance.

Q1- Which pair recently became the first Indian pair to reach the semi-finals of the All England Badminton Championship in women's doubles?

Answer (B) – Treesa Jolly and Gayatri Gopichand

Q2 - Who is the director of the film 'Kashmir Files' which was in news?

Answer (A) – Vivek Agnihotri

Q3 - Russia recently revealed that it used a _______ missile named Kinjal in Ukraine. fill in the blank

Answer (c) – Hypersonic

Q4 - Which country's flag is this?

Answer (c) – Iran

Q5 - What is the name of this tradition in Japan of serving carefully chopped raw meat as a meal?

Answer (c) – Shashimi

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