Trump and Greta Thunberg clash at Davos over climate change

At the World Economic Forum (WEF), which began in Switzerland on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump and climate change activist Greta Thunberg again came face to face. In this conference held in Davos, 17-year-old Greta said that just planting trees is not enough to deal with climate change. Trump had a direct speech on his target, in which he talked about planting one lakh crore trees. At the same time, the predictions on climate change were rejected.

Although Trump did not take any name regarding this matter, Greta was also present in the audience gallery during that time. In his keynote address at the WEF, Trump also called climate change activists the heirs of foolish astrologers. While Thanberg in his speech reiterated the remarks of a speech given in the WEF a year earlier. He said, our houses are on fire and your inaction is giving fire to the flames.

For your information, let us tell you that they also demanded an immediate ban on the investment of fossil fuels. Greta, while questioning the promises made by the world leaders to work in the interest of climate change, says, you say that children are not worried Should do. Do not be so pessimistic. Earlier last year, both had come face to face on the platform of the World Economic Forum. Then a picture of Greta Thunberg staring at Donald Trump was revealed.

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