US Trump administration approves military training for Pakistan

Washington: US President Trump's administration has approved to restore its training program for Pakistani soldiers. This information was received by an American official on Friday.

Training for Pak troops was suspended in 2018: The Trump administration suspended it in August 2018. Pakistani security personnel were given training in American institutions under international military education and training for more than 10 years.

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Permission to train Pakistani soldiers in Russia's defense centers: This step was taken by the Trump administration after the agreement between Islamabad and Moscow to allow training of Pakistani soldiers in Russia's defense centers. A State Department spokesman said that the administration has given the approval to restore the international military education and training program.

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Violation of religious freedom: The US has kept China and Pakistan on the watch list due to allegations of violation of religious freedom. America has made this list on the basis of serious complaints that hamper religious freedom. The observance of religious freedom has a special place in the foreign policy of the Trump administration.

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