Amitabh Kant of NITI Aayog launches Genesys Intl’s digital twin platform

Genesys International started a pan-India campaign on Thursday to create a Digital Twin of all of India's cities. Amitabh Kant, the CEO of the NITI Aayog, kicked off the event.

The creation of this extremely accurate 3D data will open up a slew of previously unimaginable applications in high-definition mapping for smart cars, e-commerce, logistics, gaming, utilities planning for next-generation telecom networks, renewable energy, disaster management, and emergency response.

Furthermore, the digital twin of cities will put India on the map with advanced cities that are now adopting this geospatial technology, thanks to all of the smart city components. In India, Genesys has a constellation of modern sensors, including aerial, mobile, and terrestrial systems that can image at extremely high rates and resolution. Genesys has also applied for patents in the areas of unique Geocoding for 3D data and automated feature capture from 3D Street map imagery.

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