Trump got angry red tweet 123 times, because of this he was angry

The current President of America, Donald Trump, who has a different identity in the world, said that he has done nothing wrong and the country is doing well under his leadership, so impeachment against him is unfair. Earlier, he described the impeachment process as cheating and politically motivated.

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In his statement, Trump tweeted on Friday night, "I did not do anything wrong, it is unfair to impeach me." Trump has been accused of illegally seeking help from Ukraine to tarnish the image of his rivals, including potential rival Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

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Angry President Donald Trump tweeted 123 times for being allowed to impeach him. Trump, who called his Twitter account a typewriter, reacted 123 times against impeachment by tweeting, retweeting and breaking his own record of most tweets in the past. The legal affairs committee on Friday approved the proposal to impeach Trump. The MPs' opinions on impeachment will be known by proposing next week in the Democratic Party's majority lower house. The motion is expected to be passed in this house.

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