Antibodies against Ebola to be produced soon

Our society has been dealing with the dreadful Ebola Virus for quite some time now.


As per the researches carried out at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, it has been informed that the researchers have successfully developed the antibodies for the three main Ebola Viruses.


They are now aiming to produce an antibody that would perform a treatment against the group of viruses that have been causing this disease.

The scientists involved in the studies took individuals who had survived Ebola and obtained two potent monoclonal antibodies from them.

The antibodies developed were EBOV-515 and EBOV-520. It has been informed that these antibodies also guarded the body in which they were injected, against infection.


The scientists further said that the antibodies have to be evaluated and the process has to be taken forward so that they can help people who are at a higher risk of an infection.

The process would proceed with the antibodies attacking the viruses like missiles that would destroy the viruses much before they would attack our body cells.


The efforts made by the researchers in eradicating the disease from our society is appreciable indeed. We need to understand the need for awareness among people regarding the same. 

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