Apple Revolutionizes User Security with Passkeys: Say Goodbye to Passwords

New Delhi: In a bid to further enhance user security and streamline the authentication process, Apple has announced that Apple ID will now support Passkeys on iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma. This groundbreaking update is set to revolutionize how users’ access and protect their personal information across Apple devices.

With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, ensuring the security of user accounts has become paramount. Apple ID, the single sign-on service that grants access to various Apple services, has always prioritized user privacy and security. The introduction of Passkey support takes this commitment to the next level.

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Passkeys are a form of password less authentication that leverages asymmetric cryptography to provide a secure and convenient login experience. Unlike traditional passwords, Passkeys are not stored on Apple's servers or shared with any third parties. Instead, they are securely stored locally on the user's device, further safeguarding sensitive information.

One of the primary advantages of Passkeys is their resistance to phishing attacks. Traditional passwords are often susceptible to phishing attempts, where malicious actors attempt to deceive users into revealing their login credentials. With Passkeys, this risk is significantly mitigated as there is no password to be entered or stolen.

To use Passkeys, users will generate a unique cryptographic key pair on their device. The private key remains securely stored, while the public key is registered with the user's Apple ID. When logging in, the device cryptographically proves the possession of the private key without transmitting it. This secure and seamless process provides a frictionless login experience for Apple users.

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Furthermore, Passkey support extends beyond Apple devices, allowing users to seamlessly authenticate across various third-party apps and websites. Developers can integrate the Passkey authentication framework into their applications, providing users with a unified and secure login experience.

With the upcoming release of iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, Apple is expected to roll out Passkey support to millions of users worldwide. The company aims to gradually transition users from traditional passwords to Passkeys, further strengthening account security across its ecosystem.

Apple's commitment to privacy is at the core of this update. By eliminating the need for passwords, which can often be weak or reused across multiple services, Apple is taking a proactive step to combat security vulnerabilities. Passkeys offer users a more robust and unique form of authentication, making it significantly harder for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to personal accounts.

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In addition to Passkeys, Apple continues to enhance its security measures with other technologies, such as Face ID and Touch ID. These biometric authentication methods provide an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized users can access their devices and services.

As the digital landscape evolves, the importance of secure and convenient authentication methods cannot be overstated. Apple's decision to introduce Passkey support for Apple ID with iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma represents a significant step forward in protecting user accounts. By embracing password less authentication, Apple is empowering its users with a more secure and user-friendly experience, setting a new standard for digital authentication across the industry.

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