Apply this one thing by mixing it in cream on the face, the color will become white like milk

Many people like to eat the cream coming over the milk because it looks very tasty to eat. By the way, there are many benefits of eating cream. However, you hardly know that cream can also be included in your skin care routine. Yes, applying only one thing with cream can prove to be good for the face. Today we are going to tell you about this home remedy. By adopting this, your face will glow instantly and the skin will become soft like cream.

If you want to make your facial skin soft and glowing then you have to use cream face pack. Yes and to make it, you have to make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of gram flour with 1 teaspoon of cream. Keep in mind that this paste of the face pack should be so thick that it can be applied easily on the face. Now apply the paste on the face and neck and let it dry. After this, after about 20 minutes, clean the face with lukewarm water. Apart from this, you can also massage the face with a light hand with direct cream 1 to 2 times a week. Yes, this skin care routine is very effective for people troubled by dry skin. By doing this their skin becomes soft and healthy.

Benefits of applying cream and gram flour-

* By applying cream, the face gets lost moisture and it removes skin problems like dry skin, cracks, wrinkles. * Applying cream brings a natural glow on the face. * By applying gram flour, the complexion of the face becomes light. By doing this you get fair skin. * Besan helps to remove dead skin cells. Apart from this, it also removes the problem of acne.

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