Suffering from oily skin, follow these tips

Oily skin bothers everyone also sometimes it also reduces beauty. No one wants him to be oily and doesn't look beautiful. You have to adopt some tips or have to use outside products. But these chemical beauty products also harm our skin somewhither. In addition, there are many other reasons why skin is oily, so let us tell you why skin is oily.

Genetics – If a family member has oily skin, all family members are likely to have oily skin.

Change of weather – Sometimes our skin is unable to tolerate different weather conditions which cause a variety of skin problems. Sometimes our skin also becomes oily due to changing weather.

Stress – Stress is not at all suitable for our health. Stress causes androgen hormones to form in the body, which makes our skin oily.

Sun Tanning – Sun tanning also has a very bad effect on our skin. Sometimes sun tanning causes excessive oil on our skin.

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