Arjun Bijlani's wife Neha Swami tested COVID19 positive

Neha Swami, the wife of popular television actor Arjun Bijlani, has been tested COVID19 positive. The actor has reported this to his fans via Twitter. In his tweet, the actor also mentioned that he and his family have quarantined themselves for two weeks after Neha was found COVID19 positive.

Arjun Bijlani asked people who came in contact with him to get their corona test done. He has also reported that he is all healthy and well. In a tweet, Arjun Bijlani wrote: "Hey guys my wife has tested positive for COVID 19. I and my family are self quarantined for the next 14 days. Request anyone who has come in contact with us to pl get tested .. we are healthy and fine and I hope we continue to be so. Keep us in your prayers."

In the meantime, Neha Swami also informed her fans about her COVID19 positive report through her Instagram story. In her post, she wrote "I have mild symptoms of the corona. Pray for me and my family to be safe. Please keep us in your prayers too." Earlier, a person was found to be COVID infected in Arjun Bijlani's building, after which the entire building was sealed".

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