World Kidney Day: Know what causes kidney diseases and its prevention

Celebration of World Kidney Day was started in the year 2006. The purpose of which was to make people aware of kidney-related problems and its treatment. There is a continuous increase in the number of people suffering from kidney disease in India. Vigilance and awareness is very important. This is why World Kidney Day is celebrated.

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'World Kidney Day' is celebrated on the second Thursday of March every year. This year, this special day is being celebrated all over the world on 12 March. A special theme is kept every year on World Kidney Day. This year, the theme of World Kidney Day is Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere.

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Reason for having kidney disease: -

1. Excessive intake of alcohol 2- Eat more salt 3- Excessive smoking and soft drinks 4- Forcing urination 5- Excessive use of 5-painkiller drugs

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How to prevent?

1- Keep the quantity of sodium and protein in the food as per requirement 2- Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water per day 3- Eat more fruits and green vegetables 4- Blood pressure or diabetes symptoms such as symptoms are seen immediately seek medical advice.

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