These measures will please the sun, get respect!

According to astrology, it is very important to take measures if the planets in your horoscope are sitting in a low state or on your enemy planets. There are some ways in which you can try these things without any astrological advice. Taking these measures reduces the negative impact of the planets, and does not cause you harm. Know the good and bad effects of planets and their measures.

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1 Sun - Sun, when your horoscope is in a positive or high position, gives respect to society and provides stability in the job and functioning. The strengthening of the sun strengthens the father's side and there is no hindrance or difficulty in government functions.

Remedy: If you are getting negative results in all these cases, it may be due to sitting in a position below the sun. As a measure, the father should be served and respected. Touch your feet and seek the blessings of the father. Moreover, it is best to offer water to the Sun and worship Vishnu God. The effect of the sun is also positive when it affects wheat and millet in the running water and the mouth is sweetened.

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