Kargil War: When Atal Bihari Vajpayee didn't Allow to Cross LOC

NEW DELHI: Former Air Chief Marshal Anil Tipnis has said that the then PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee did not want to use the Air Force against Pakistan during the Kargil war. Not only that, Tipnis said that Vajpayee did not allow the army to cross the Line of Control. At the launch of the book written by former Navy Chief Sushil Kumar, A. Tipnis recalled the developments when he and the then Army Chief Ved Malik met with Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 1999.

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Tipnis has said that Vajpayee wanted to know from General Malik whether the Army would be able to liberate the occupations at Indian posts without the help of the Air Force. It may be mentioned that in 1999, the Pakistan Army, with the help of infiltrators, captured some outposts in Kargil, Dras, Batalik sector in Jammu and Kashmir.

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Recalling the developments, Tipnis said, "As long as Ved Malik could even answer Vajpayee's questions, I said the Army needs it and we are ready for it, PM Vajpei will start with a little worry tomorrow morning." On the occasion of the launch of the book 'A Prime Minister to Remember- Memories of a Military Chief', Tipnis recalled the moment when Vajpayee said that we would not cross the line of control.


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