Attack on Egypt police claimed by Daesh resulted in 4 deaths

Cairo: At least four people, including three police officers, were killed in a militant attack on a police checkpoint in the Suez Canal city of Ismailia, Egypt, according to the Daesh terrorist organisation.

In a statement published by its Amaq news agency late on Saturday, the extremist group made the attack its own.

Armed militants attacked police in Ismailia Friday afternoon when they opened fire. The attack injured at least 12 people, the majority of whom were conscripts.

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According to a hospital count document, the deceased included three police officers and a person whose identity is still unknown.

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One of the attackers was killed, according to a report from the government-run Al-Qahera News television station.

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For years, Egypt has fought Daesh militants in the northern Sinai Peninsula. In Sinai and other parts of the nation, the militants have carried out a number of attacks, primarily going after security personnel, minority Christians, and people they believe are working with the military or police.

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