Bamboo tree, the dawn of your good fortune !!

Nowadays, we usually notice a small green beautiful plant, sometimes tied with a red ribbon on it, everywhere maybe at a guest's house or hotels or shops or maybe in someone's office, yes we are talking about Bamboo tree. The small and beautiful looking plant is usually kept in small glass bowl.

Now, according to Feng shui beliefs this plant acts as a magnet towards prosperity, good luck and good health. These are not only reasons why a Bamboo tree is important but there is deep study in Feng shui that accounts for the reason and it is:-

1. Its hollow from inside: - The stem of the plant is hollow which means it helps in circulation of positive energy it attracts and spreads. In Chinese term "Qi" means energy which is generated by this pipe like hollow structure.

Also, more importantly, the direction where it should keep is also of prime importance, the two most favorable directions are East and the South East. If kept in these directions it helps attract radiant energy, good health and gets you in a much better financial position.

Bring it to your home, office, shop and see the difference.

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