Banish Bad Plants: Houseplants to Avoid As Per Vastu Shastra

Houseplants are all the rage for a reason. They add life, purify the air, and boost moods. But did you know that according to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian system of design and architecture, certain plants can disrupt the positive energy flow in your home?

Vastu emphasizes the balance of energy elements – fire, water, air, earth, and space. Plants are seen as conduits of energy, and some are believed to emanate negative vibes. Let's explore a few houseplants to avoid according to Vastu, and the reasons behind it:

Prickly Personalities: Plants with thorns or sharp leaves, like cacti, are said to create tension and arguments within the household. Their spiky nature is believed to disrupt the peaceful flow of energy.

Stagnant Vibes: Bonsai trees, while beautiful, represent stunted growth according to Vastu. Their restricted form is said to hinder progress and prosperity. Opt for plants that grow freely for a more positive influence.

The Life Force: Dried or dead plants are a no-no in Vastu. They represent decay and stagnation, and can drain positive energy from your living space. Regularly prune your greenery and remove anything past its prime.

Unlucky Luxuries: Certain flowering plants, like lilies and oleander, are considered inauspicious according to Vastu. Their vibrant colors and strong scents are believed to create disharmony.

Important to Note: These are just some examples, and there are many other plants that Vastu considers unfavorable. It's always a good idea to consult a Vastu expert for personalized recommendations.

Beyond Vastu: Remember, some plants on this list might also be toxic to humans and pets. So, it's wise to research a plant thoroughly before bringing it indoors, regardless of Vastu recommendations.

Greener Pastures: But don't worry, there's a whole world of Vastu-approved plants waiting to brighten your home! Look for plants with round leaves and gentle shapes, like jade plants, money plants, and tulsi (holy basil). These are said to promote peace, prosperity, and good health.

So, the next time you're considering a houseplant, take a moment to consider Vastu's perspective. By choosing plants that promote positive energy, you can create a harmonious and thriving home environment.

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