Possibility to have Hindu President in America in future said Barack Obama

America's first mixed-race President Barack Obama said in the final press conference in the white house, "There could be a Hindu President in America in future". As America provides equal opportunity to all, it will not just a woman president but could also see a Latino president, a Jewish President and a Hindu president in future.

He also added ,"I think we're going to see people of merit rise up from every race, faith, corner of this country. Because that's America's strength.In fact we continue to keep opportunity open to everybody, then yeah we are going to have a woman president, Latino president, a Jewish President and a Hindu president in future".

Obama's remark came when he asked, as the country's first black president, he expected to something like this again,  some political assured that the Trump victory was result of backlash or a white lash against minorityism. Obama's expansive reply on the need for the US to recognize the inequality that was pervasive in the country and to be more inclusive, while largely relating to minorities, also took into account the constituency that voted for Trump.

"There are a whole bunch of folks who voted for the president-elect because they feel forgotten and disenfranchised. They feel as if they're being looked down on. They feel as if their kids aren't going to have the same opportunities as they did. You don't want to have an America in which a very small sliver of people are doing really well, and everybody else is fighting for scraps," he said.

However, the man who will relinquish executive power after eight years warned that he will continue to be in public life, and while he may not get on a ballot again, he will speak up if core American values are in danger. He put in that category any institutional efforts to silence dissent or the press and any systematic discrimination being ratified in some fashion, including any effort to discriminate against children of immigrants who were well integrated into American society.




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