Basic rules to follow to survive in a new relationship

You've met someone you share chemistry with, and she or he asks you out. Before you know it, you are planning your fifth date. The start of a new relationship is filled with hope, excitement and a surplus of nervousness. However, before you derail the next potential relationship, here are a few tricks on how to stay on track.

1. The first date rule

You've always wondered about it, but there should be no confusion. No sex on the first date. Even if the date is going splendidly, if you want to give this a chance to develop into a relationship, you have to learn to say goodbye at the front door.

2. Drive at 40 km per hour.

What we mean is take it slow and steady. For starters, don't call it a 'relationship' three dates in. It's spooky. And discussing your 'future' - the number of kids, the color of duvet - is an absolute no.

3. Balance the act

The tricky thing about striking a new partnership is knowing how much to reveal. Share too much, and you are afraid they'll see something they don't like or may reject you for.

4. Games are for kids

And, we are hoping you want an adult and healthy relationship. It's essential that you communicate in a healthy manner from the word go don’t hold off calling or texting because you got upset.

5. Stay true

It's easy to get swept away by the heady rush of new love and be a pleaser. Nothing is a bigger turn-off.

Also, read 

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