Be prepared for burning summer this year said Meteorological Department

The latest forecast report have came in which the Meteorological Department has predicted a very hot summer this year. According to reports 2015 was thired warmest year since 1991 and the this trend will continue in 2016 as well.

The MeT office said, “the summer temperatures in 2016 are expected to be above normal by more than one degree, The temperature is increasing for the last few years. This season's outlook is that the temperature will be more than normal. There is a general forecast that the summer will be warmer,"

BP Yadav of the Meteorological Department told that "This year there will be an increase in severe heat wave in the north and eastern parts of the country. Precautionary measures are to be taken so that loss of live can be avoided," he added.

Also, in previous summer, sustained severe heat wave conditions in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana had claimed hundreds of lives.  

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