In this way, mascara will never smudge from the eyes, know here!

Some girls do not like to apply mascara at all. Such girls complain that they may apply mascara of any brand, but their mascara starts spreading. Well, this is a very common problem. Actually, girls who have more liquid in their eyes have this type of problem. But it is also true that if you follow some tips, it will not happen at all. Today in this article, we are telling you some tips that you can follow.

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Use loose powder: To prevent the spread of mascara from the eyes, use loose powder. When you apply loose powder in the under area, it will dry out the access oil there and your mascara will not spread under any circumstances.

Use a light foundation: Applying light foundation and BB cream can also prevent the mascara from spreading. When you use BB cream or foundation on the eyelids and underarm area after cleaning the eyes, it creates a smooth base, which prevents the mascara from spreading. Not only this, but your eyes also look attractive by this.

Use dry mascara: Before applying the mascara to the eyes, be sure to check its quality. Use only the mascara that remains on the eyes and the same mascara that remains dry on the eyes. Apart from this, you can also apply smudge and waterproof mascara found in the market.

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Apply mascara on the outside: If you are applying mascara on the eyes for the first time or applying very little kajal, then keep in mind that always start applying the mascara from outside the eyes. If you apply the mascara directly inside the eyes, it will make your mascara firm. To avoid this, never mix it with the inner corner of the eye.

Clean the eyes thoroughly: Before applying mascara to the eyes, make sure that your eyes are clean from both inside and outside. The dust inside the eyes and the dirt outside causes mascara to spread. So before applying mascara wash your eyes thoroughly with cold water. After that, start applying mascara only by wiping the eyes with a clean cloth or cotton.

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