Skin gets excellent benefits from facial oil, know here

There are many types of misconceptions among people about face oil. Never apply coconut oil or olive oil on your face, because it closes your pores. Let's know how face oil can make your skin healthy and beautiful.

Oil skin care products are helpful: It is believed that using oil-free products for your skin is better but it is not necessary. Face oil or oil skin care products can prove to be very helpful in hydrating acne and lifeless skin. They also help to keep your skin soft.

Helpful for skin: Many times people get mistaken that skin oil is oily with face oil, but experts have a different opinion. According to experts, lack of oil increases the amount of a substance called sebum in the skin, due to which the skin starts to become more oily. The right amount of oil makes your skin more healthy and shiny. Apart from this, mixing a few drops of face oil with a moisturizer and applying it also benefits the skin a lot.

Cracks in the skin: Cold-press seed oil is very beneficial for sensitive skin and it also helps in healing the cracks of the skin. At the same time, this oil can also prove effective in erasing acne. Applying a mixture of cumin, rose and Kamiya seed oil on the face provides a lot of benefit. The antioxidants in them make the facial skin even more beautiful.

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