Makeup Hacks: New way to keep makeup applicator sponge clean, Try this today

If you are mourning for makeup, then it is also important to know how to keep the applicants clean, although the makeup professionals may keep their makeup products clean, but ordinary women pay less attention to it. No matter how expensive makeup products you buy, you will never get the perfect look if you do not clean the tools that apply the makeup product. Make-up tools, especially makeup sponges, are necessary in many ways. First of all, due to continuous use, the makeup product remains inside it, so that when you use it again, you cannot get the perfect base.

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Makeup Liquid Cleaner: You can clean your makeup sponge with the help of liquid cleanser. For this, take some warm water in a bowl and mix a few drops of liquid cleanser. Now keep your dirty makeup sponge in it and let it soak for a while. Now take it out and clean it by rubbing it with the help of hands. Particularly clean the area of the sponge, where there is a stain. Once the sponge is clean, wash it with the help of water and let it dry.

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Use of foam soap: If you want to clean the makeup sponge in the easiest way, then for this you take the help of soap. For this, you first clean the make-up sponge with the help of hands. If you have to take liquid soap, then you put it directly on the makeup sponge and then clean it by rubbing it with the help of hands. You will see that along with foam, the makeup product in it is also coming out. Now clean the sponge with the help of water and let it dry. Only after it dries completely, keep it in your makeup kit. However, cleansing the makeup sponge in this way spoils it quickly, because the soap is quite heavy and its frequent use makes the makeup sponge quite rough. You can clean makeup sponges once a month in this way.

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