Best Home Remedies to Remove Scars, Marks and Spots to enhance the beauty

Let’s take a look at a few of the home remedies that will help you get rid of these pimple scars/marks/spots with no extra effort as well as money to spend.

Ice Cubes to sooth the pimple scars

Whenever there is some irritation on your skin, you make use of the ice cubes because of its cooling and soothing properties. Ice Cubes are also helpful in getting rid of the blemishes on your face. You need to wrap an ice cube in a cloth and rub it gently on the affected areas for 15 minutes. This is known to be the best acne remedy one can find at home.

Aloe vera gel for treating pimple scars

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera make it a must product in your beauty kit. It is one of the best natural remedies one can use to get rid of the pimple marks/scars on your face. The Aloe Vera juice helps in preventing future breakouts and also heals the scars on the face.

Honey is a good cleanser works for pimple scars

Take the honey orally or massage your skin with it to get rid of acne scars. This will give you healthy looking skin naturally. Honey has antiseptic properties that help reduce the acne naturally on the skin. Add some lemon drops to honey and apply it on the skin. This will offer great nourishing and cleansing properties. The acidic nature of lemon will help kill the bacteria, and the soothing properties of honey will help revitalize the skin.

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Sandalwood & rosewater mask to reduce acne scars

Mix the paste of sandalwood with some rose water and apply it on your scars before you can go to bed. Leave the mixture on the skin overnight. Rinse it off with some cold water the next morning. You will see the difference! Rose water is said to nourish the skin while killing acne. The paste of sandalwood and rose water will reduce inflammation through its cooling properties.

Mint leaves to remove skin spots gradually

Crush the leaves of mint and strain the juice through a cloth made of muslin. Apply this to the affected area. This will help remove the scars gradually and naturally.

Take more water, fresh fruits & veggies to avoid acne scars

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating fresh vegetables and fruits of your choice. When you drink the right amount of water, it will not only clean your system from the inside, but the cleanliness will also reflect on the outside. Taking in the right amount of water every day will help you get clear, glowing skin, which will also bring in compliments from your near and dear ones.

Potato slices can lighten pimple marks

Potatoes can help clear pimple and acne marks. Either cut a slice of potato and apply it to the skin or take the juice of a raw potato and apply it to your pimple and acne marks. Due to its bleaching properties, it can lighten the skin. Grate some raw potatoes. Rub the pulp that is produced on your face. Wait for a few minutes and then rinse it off with some warm water. This remedy will not only keep the zits from erupting, but will also prevent pimples from appearing, if you follow it for at least two weeks.

Mint and turmeric can treat pimple spots

Mix the juice of mint and turmeric powder and apply to the affected areas on your skin. Keep the mixture on the skin for about twenty minutes and wash with some warm water. Mint has healing properties, whereas turmeric has anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, this mixture will make your pimple and acne marks heal faster.

Apply baking soda on pimple scars

Keep a mixture of water and baking soda and apply the paste to the affected areas of your skin for four minutes and then, wash it off with some lukewarm water. This will remove the pimple and the acne scars over a period of time if you follow this remedy till you see results.

Papaya juice can cure pimple scars

Apply the juice of papaya to the affected areas on your skin. It has awesome healing properties that will help reduce or completely remove the acne and pimple marks on your skin.

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