10 Wedding Pictures that portray the art of photography


The wedding has different variations from cultures to traditions and social classes to countries. It is a ceremony celebrated between two families. A wedding brings fun, shopping, gifts, music, those special seven vows, and reception.

Forgetting about photographs? The photos are the only thing that remains as a memoir and weep the happy tears out of us.

So here are some wedding pictures that depicts a total art.

1. Because the Bride never wants to get apart from her family

2. The happy couple having a walk of heaven

3. Shining-within-the-background couple

4. Gleeful Groom

5. What-am-I-doing-here young wedding guest

6. Bride-to-be getting ready

7. Cat who wants to join the wedding fun

8. Bride from her side pic

9. Bride with waterproof make-up ready to leave

10. And finally, this beautiful couple who would make out no matter what


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