Beware! Read this if you watch adult movies on your phone

Many people watch porn or adult movies in their mobile phones. If you also watch porn movies or videos on your mobile, then be aware of it. The reason for this is that by watching porn movies on mobile, you can put yourself in trouble. By watching porn movies in mobile, your bank details, personal information and other important things can be stolen. The biggest danger to watch porn movies in mobile is that it causes viruses to appear on your phone. The hacker sitting in a distant place can steal your entire personal information through these viruses, which includes your bank details and other information.

Experts say that if a person watches porn movies in his mobile then he should not have any banking app in the phone. If you keep a banking app in mobile then your bank details may be stolen through viruses. 

Android phones are connected to your Gmail account, so if you see porn movies in mobile then it increases the risk. The hacker may steal your Gmail password and access your personal information and data.

Mobile Security Technology Company Wandera examined the security of the porn website and mobile devices and found some shocking outcomes. It has come to the notice of the company that about a quarter of mobile phones have a virus from the porn website. According to a report by Kaspersky Lab of Russia's cyber security company, nearly 12 million mobile users have been affected by the virus due to viewing porn. Last year about 49 lakh mobile users were affected by the virus.

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