Biden clears 270-vote mark as electors affirm his victory

Washington DC: The Electoral College confirmed the Joe Biden's victory in the US Presidential polls by giving it majority of its votes on Monday. Electoral College of different states of the US cast their ballots for US president

According to the report of Reuter, Arizona's 11 electors vote, Georgia's 16, Nevada's 6, Pennsylvania's 20, Wisconsin's 10 electors vote have gone for Joe Biden for President. Joe Biden's state-by-state Electoral College vote formally determines the US presidency. In six battleground states - Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, electors gave Biden and Harris their votes. In the view of corona pandemic, Nevada's electors met through the virtual platform.

In spite of confirmation by the Electoral College, many Republican leaders refused to acknowledge the outcome. In Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, trump electors met despite Bidens wins from these states. Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were among electors for Biden and Harris from New York. Earlier according to result announced in November, Biden earned 306 Electoral College votes to Republican Donald Trump’s 232.

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