Biggest problem of motorists will be solved by Mobile App

On March 31, a mobile application which will offer a simple and efficient single-screen display for important vehicle-related documents was launched on Thursday, today. The RTAm-Wallet help the owners and drivers to carry any physical documents such as registration certificate, driving licence and other related papers.

Official release said, “The RTAm-Wallet  enables motorist of vehicles to store their documents issued by the Transport Department in digital form, relieving the citizens from carrying physical documents and preventing from loss or misplacement”

Motorists can show ‘RTA m-Wallet’ on their smart phones to police or Road Transport Authority (RTA) authorities during checking.

The Mobile app will be available on Android and iOS platforms.

At the Secretariat the app will launched by K T Rama Rao ( Telangana’s Information Technology Minister )and Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy.

As per the release, ‘RTA m-Wallet’ also provides options to add multiple vehicles owned by an individual. The documents once downloaded on the application will be saved permanently’

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