Bihar STET: Answer Key available, know how to check

Bihar STET: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the Answer Keys for Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test. Apart from this, candidates who appeared in the Bihar STET Exam can check the answer key by visiting the official website Along with this, candidates can also download their answer key through the link.

Bihar STET exam was conducted on January 28, 2020. Along with this, the examination was conducted in various centers. Earlier, BSEB released the answer key of Bihar STET for Physical Education and Health Instructor Ability Test 2019. Candidates can only raise objections against the Answer Key till 18 February 2020.

This is how you can check your answer key - Step - 1 First of all visit the official website of BSEB. Step - 2 Then click on the link 'Grievances' on the homepage. Step - 3 Now click on the link related to the answer key. Step 4: As soon as you click, a new page will open in front of you. Step - 5 Now select your topic and choose the set of question papers. Step - 6 After clicking submit, the answer key will open in front of you.

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