Eat bitter gourd during pregnancy, beneficial for mom and baby

Bitter gourd intake provides many benefits to health. But many people don't like to eat it. But, it can prove to be a better alternative to the health of both the mother and the baby in the womb. If you also say no this amazing vegetable, then start eating it so that your health will not be harmed. Karela contains fiber, calcium, potassium, beta-keratin and dietary fiber which is beneficial for the health of both the baby and the mother in the womb. Let's know its benefits.

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High source of Folate: Folate is an important requirement for pregnant women. This mineral helps to protect possible neural tube defects. Karela contains a large amount of folate. It contains a quarter of the daily requirement of this mineral in pregnant women.

The amount of fiber is high: Karela contains high fiber which makes your stomach feel full. It reduces the cravings of high-calorie foods and junk foods. It also prevents you from getting fat during pregnancy.

Keeps the Bowel Movement better: Karela can also help promote peristalsis which later helps to control the bowel movement and improve the digestive system of pregnant women. Karela also provides relief from other digestive problems.

The embryo develops: Karela is a great source of some vitamins and minerals. This includes iron, niacin, potassium, pantothenic acid, zinc, pyridoxine, magnesium, and manganese. It can be easily called super vegetable because it plays an important role in the development of the fetus.

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