BJP leader VD Sharma slams Kamal Nath over Twitter on Madhya Pradesh politics

Bhopal: The political climate in Madhya Pradesh is constantly changing. Along with this change, fierce rhetoric is also continuing between the ruling Congress and the BJP. CM Kamal Nath has predicted not to form a BJP government. In this statement of Kamal Nath, BJP state unit president VD Sharma has hit back.

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VD Sharma wrote, tweeting, 'Kamal Nath Ji, you must have heard a saying - "Those whose houses are glass, they do not throw stones at the homes of others" It is in the minority because of not fulfilling the promised promises and due to mutual discord, not because of BJP. It is noteworthy that CM Kamal Nath had made a big charge on BJP by tweeting.

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He had said that 'Neither BJP has a majority right now, neither Shivraj Singh has been elected by BJP Legislature Party as its leader, neither BJP government has been formed, nor will it ever be formed, but Shivraj Singh Chauhan's haggling to become Chief Minister, restless state. Is watching How are they being restless for power? He is not feeling sleepy, even in the daytime, he is dreaming of the post of Chief Minister. The authorities are threatening. I have pity for his condition. The BJP leader has retaliated on this same tweet by CM Kamal Nath.

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