Chandrayaan 2: Bollywood is also with the scientists, said- proud of you!

India's mission moon suffered a major setback in the early hours of Saturday when ISRO lost its contact with the lander Vikram just two kilometers before the lunar surface and the entire country is in regret over the failure of this mission and everyone is also appreciating the efforts of the scientists

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From the Prime Minister of the country Narendra Modi to opposition leaders and Bollywood stars too, the scientists have cheered and saluted their courage. Bollywood veteran actor Anupam Kher has written that 'Girte hai Shahswar hi maidan-e-Jung, what did those trifles fall on their knees !!!'

Chandrayaan-2: PM Modi hugs and console ISRO chief K. Sivan

Bollywood actor Ritesh Deshmukh wrote that 'We will be successful !!!!! The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. We are proud of @isro's entire team. Whatever you have achieved today is not less than anyone. Jai Hind.'

Along with this, many more stars have tweeted on the efforts of scientists. On this, Bollywood actress Nimrat Kaur has written that 'It is an incredible achievement for every talent, talented people of @isro to take us to this point. Chandrayaan 2 is very proud and very much inspired by the dream behind it. Even though we have lost contact, but have not lost hope.'

Contact with Vikram Lander may have been lost, but Chandrayaan-2 orbiter will continue to research on the moon for 1 year

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