The uproar has continued in America since the death of black civilian George Floyd, and demonstrations are being held at various places throughout the country. However, many Hollywood stars have appeared in this performance. Hollywood star Brad Pitt, following the footsteps of his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, has donated one million dollars to support racist justice. According to foreign media reports, Pitt has donated one million dollars to the racist justice organization. According to foreign media reports, Aniston has secretly donated funds to several charities including Colors of Change. According to a UK newspaper, Pitt, who was affected by the death of African-American George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis (Minnesota), has also donated the same amount. One source said, "Because of Jane, Brad is really involved in charity work and said that he will donate as much as she does." BAFTA announces change date for its 2021 film awards Actor Will Smith will be seen in this thriller film Oscar Awards will be held in this month instead of February due to corona