This 79-year-old Brazilian lady is a lingerie model; see pictures

In today's time, no one considers age to be a weakness and only shows what to do. They have also done something similar that we are going to talk about. By the way, childhood, youth, old age are the three stages of a human's life, all three of them have ups and downs in their life but there is a lady who is 79 years old and she is a Lingerie Model. We know you may have been blown away by hearing this, but it is true. This 79-year-old lady is Helena Schargel, who is from Brazil.

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According to the information, she used to work earlier but retirement does not suit her, so after leaving the job, she decided to become a Lingerie Model. At the same time, she says, "Now in this profession, she also gives a message to women. She wants women to give up their hesitation about some work. Learn to fulfill dreams. "Let us tell you that Helena has two weddings and has two children as well as five grandchildren. She has not yet realized that she has become old."

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With this, she further told that "She has never gone to the gym in life. That's why he is so fit. She just regularly follows her diet. ”In this way, after seeing her pictures, many women have been inspired and not everyone is tired of praising her.

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