Breaking stereotypes of Indian in the US was an idea behind the Quantico

There is doubt that Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra has proved her talent by playing Alex Parish in ABC's show, Quantico. Quantico queen has discussed her idea behind choosing Quantico, she said when she was in school she heard lot about how wrong foreigners think about Indian which was intolerable for her. She says, why is it not cool to be an Indian?

Why can't an Indian girl who is from Indian descent be an FBI girl who kicks a**? So I was very clear about that," IANS quotes her saying. when she went to school in US and she saw many stereotype, not only in US but in many western world she faced for the Hindi cinema, even today there is no one to look like us. So for me it was very important," the actress said. , Priyanka said, "That's what I did in Quantico. Did you see me doing the stereotype of Indian part in that, even in Baywatch I am not.

I will never be the stereotype of what people think India should be. I feel that we can be anything." She also said hat when ABC offered her a role, her only condition was to not offer her any supportive role. Chopra also went on to say that she read a total of 26 scripts before signing Quantico. "I read 26 scripts, they just signed me as a talent because they wanted to work with me. Then I told them that I don't want to do anything which is stereotype of how you see. Alex was not written for an Indian girl but American girl she told in her Interview.

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