Corona: Sikh doctors campaign against forced beard shaving

Washington: Sikh doctors fighting the Corona epidemic were asked to shave their beards, citing safety standards. By giving such an order, their religious sentiments were hurt, while when the Sikh Dr. did not listen to the instructions, he was removed from his important responsibilities. The Sikh Doctors Association has received information that at least five physicians in NHS hospitals were removed from normal shifts when they refused to shave.

They were told that they had failed the so-called investigation of facial protective gear. Association chairman Dr. Sukhdev Singh said that, 'These doctors have come to us with their problems and told that they have been removed from their day-to-day work, this has caused tension among the colleagues because they are now removed Doctors will have to work. He further explained that this problem is due to lack of Specialist Facial Protection Mask (PPR), which is needed in ICU.

All these Sikh doctors are running their work by purchasing PPR which is relatively expensive. At the same time, the Sikh Association is working closely with the NHS Trust and NHS England has also been approached to create awareness about the purchase of specialist protective gear. Sukhdev said that the normal cloth FFP3 masks would not work with beards, the order would also affect the Muslim community.

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